Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Greetings 2012

It is my fervent prayer that this Christmas may be filled with gratitude to the Lord for loving us so much that He allowed His only Son to be born into this world so we could open our hearts, mind and soul to His loving Presence!

May the good Lord encourage all of us to celebrate His gift of love and may this inspire us to proactively find opportunities to share the joy of knowing Him and experiencing His guiding and loving Presence to others around us!

Have a blessing and joy - filled Christmas! :-D

Monday, December 24, 2012

Simbang Gabi 2012 - Major Takeaways (Days 7 - 9)

On this last day of Simbang Gabi 2012, I'd like to bring the curtains down on my Christmas novena journey as I share my last three major takeaways. It has really been a reflective and spiritually uplifting experience for me as the Lord has personally dealt with me through each mass.  

7th day of Simbang Gabi at EDSA Shrine - Major Takeaway - The Lord encourages to seek two things as evidenced in the Magnificat of Mama Mary:

1) To seek to have depth in our lives - to be able to know our purpose and meaning of our lives, to know what direction our lives are headed and to have the foundation of our lives solidly built on the Lord. It is not about the height (or the desire for people to hold us in high esteem according to the world's standards) nor width (or the desire to accumulate wealth and have an abundance of material resources so that people will be envious of your situation) but a desire to put depth into our lives and, therefore, come to understand the Lord's will for our lives even more.

2) To seek to have overflowing goodness and possess an overflowing spirit - to be able to well up with joy like Mama Mary in her Magnificat and to share this joy with others around us. When Mama Mary expressed her Yes to the Lord and the Lord blessed her, she was overflowing with joy and gratitude that she could not contain with in herself so she had to share it with someone like her cousin Elizabeth. In every circumstance in our lives, regardless whether it is a blessing or a difficulty, we want to be able to express gratitude to the Lord for giving us to the opportunity to experience His generosity, His mercy, His love and His faithfulness.

And so just like Mama Mary, I sing with joy:

My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord;
My spirit rejoices in God my Savior!

8th Day of Simbang Gabi (4th Sunday of Advent) at Ortigas Park - Major Takeaway - We hear the story of the Visitation again today. This story allows us to reflect and ask ourselves the following:

1) Do we still have room in our lives for the Lord or are we too preoccupied by the cares and the busyness that characterized this world? Can we still take time to come before the Lord in communion with Him and allow Him to fill our hearts and minds or is the hustle and bustle around us getting most, if not all, of our attention? The example of Mama Mary and Elizabeth allow us to see that the Lord was able to fill their emptiness (referring to their wombs) with fullness of life in the persons of their soon to be born sons Jesus and John the Baptist. Can we also empty ourselves so that we can be filled by the encompassing and loving Presence of the Lord?

2) When we experience blessings in our lives, are we excited to share these with others around us or do we just keep them (especially material blessings) to ourselves, for our own satisfaction? A proverb highlights that a joy shared is a joy doubled or multiplied. It seems that, with tragedies recently happening like Typhoon Pablo and the Sandy Hook Elementary School killings, a lot of people aren't experiencing a lot of joy but the Lord is challenging all those who have experienced blessings or have the opportunity to reach out and share, to go beyond themselves and experience their joy and their blessings being doubled or multiplied as they allow others in need to partake of the goodness they have received.

As we eagerly await the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, the greatest gift, blessing and source of joy we could ever experience, let us allow the Lord to fill us with His loving Presence and allow the blessings that come from Him to overflow and be shared to others around us. As He gave of Himself to others, let us also give of ourselves.

9th Day of Simbang Gabi at St. Therese, UPLB - Major Takeaway - Zechariah's Benedictus is a testament of faith in the Lord and communicates a desire to bless the Lord who has bestowed bountiful blessings on His people. This includes the blessing of the birth of Zechariah's son, John, who is concrete proof that the nothing is impossible with the Lord.

In response to the exceeding goodness of the Lord, Zechariah also blesses his son and conveys his understanding of how the Lord will use John to be "the voice in the wilderness" that will prepare the way of the Lord, the Messiah. We also want to be used by the Lord in the same way as John - to lead others to the Lord as we share our faith experiences and encourage and inspire others to share their own faith experiences with others.

This video challenges us to be more sensitive to others in need around us and realize that even just one small gesture of sharing, one simple act of kindness can make such a great impact on the lives of others. :-D

May you experience the joy and hope of the Lord in this blessed Christmas season! 

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Simbang Gabi - Major Takeaways (Days 4 - 6)

It's now time for the 2nd compilation of my major takeaways in Simbang Gabi 2012 as I share my reflections for days 4 - 6.

4th Day of Simbang Gabi at EDSA Shrine - Major Takeaway - The Lord desires for us to be like a spiritual drill; that in the changing of the seasons in our lives (Advent, Christmas, Ordinary Time, Lent, Easter, Ordinary Time, Advent, ...), we may grow deeper in our relationship with Him and others around us. He desires that, like the wife of Manoah and Elizabeth, we may have faith in the Lord's goodness and faithfulness even in the most difficult or the hardest to understand situations in our lives. And as He bestows blessings upon us as we overcome these difficult and hard to understand situations, we are all the more grateful to the Lord who "remains faithful even if we are not for He cannot deny Himself."

5th day of Simbang Gabi at EDSA Shrine - Major Takeaway - The Lord is challenging and encouraging us to take on the disposition of Mama Mary when she responded "I am the handmaid of the Lord, be it done to me according to Your word." She may not have fully understood what the angel Gabriel was talking about but she trusted that the Lord would grant her the grace to do His will and so she responded with her Yes.

I pray that we, too, may, trust in the Lord's goodness and faithfulness as we go through each day in our journey with Him. As the angel Gabriel assured Mary, we are also assured of the Lord's guiding Presence in our lives: "Be not afraid...for nothing is impossible with God."

6th day of Simbang Gabi at EDSA Shrine - Major Takeaway - We are being encouraged by the Lord to be a joyful people and not just happy people. Like Father Dave Concepcion shared in his homily this morning, happiness is a disposition while joy is a gift from the Spirit. In order for us to experience joy, we need to be able to bring Mama Mary into our lives (our homes, our schools, our offices, our communities, etc.) and allow Christ to be born anew in us.

I am reminded of some of the words of a favorite Christmas song of mine, although it is not a well-known one:

I'll make my heart a Bethlehem
A place where love can dwell within
A place where hope and joy begin
This Christmas in my heart.

I'll make my heart a Bethlehem
That's open wide to welcome Him
A place where hope and joy begin
This Christmas in my heart, this Christmas in my heart.

Let us allow Christ to dwell within us that joy may emanate from us so we can recognize Him in every circumstance, listen and hear His Word and direction for our lives and act upon such direction. For this gift of love from the Lord is enough reason for us to be grateful and joyful! :-D

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Simbang Gabi 2012 - Major Takeaways (Days 1 - 3)

It's actually the 7th day of Simbang Gabi today and the 3rd to the last day of the novena in preparation for Christmas. What I've decided to do for each of the remaining days of Simbang Gabi is to share my reflections or major takeaways from each of the masses. I have been posting these as FB status messages and I'm putting them together into three compilations of three major takeaways, thus adding up to all nine days of the novena. 

So here's the first compilation:

1st day of Simbang Gabi earlier at EDSA Shrine which happened to coincide with Gaudete Sunday (3rd Sunday of Advent). Major Takeaway - To experience joy is to recognize the loving and constant presence of the Lord in our lives. May we continue to be bearers of His love to others around us. :-D

2nd day of Simbang Gabi at St. Therese, UPLB. Major Takeaway - The Lord will use us as His instruments of love, joy, peace and hope even if we are ordinary, broken and sinful. All we have to do is open ourselves to be His vessels to reach out to those in need. Just like the Magi offered their gifts of frankincense, gold and myrrh, we, too, can offer whatever we have to serve and love Him more.

St. Therese of the Child Jesus Parish, UPLB (MCMIII)

3rd Day of Simbang Gabi at EDSA Shrine - Major Takeaway - The Lord, who is called Emmanuel, God is with Us, came into the world for us to realize that we can only experience fullness of life with Him present in our lives. And, as He is present in our lives as we go through each day, He is also challenging us to be present to others around us - our family, our brothers and sisters in Christ, our friends, those who we encounter who are in need. Thus, we can imbibe the ministry of presence through every situation we find ourselves in. :-D