Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Experiencing the World More Fully

“Most of us all walk around as if we're sleepwalking. We really don't experience the world fully, because we're half-asleep, doing things we automatically think we have to do.” 
― Mitch AlbomTuesdays with Morrie

As I begin my second month of this blogging experience, I find myself being grateful that a former student of mine pushed me to start this blog (which, like I mentioned in a previous blog post, was part of my bucket list). It's something new, it's definitely a learning experience for me and it's definitely something that's not automatic to me. And I like what I'm experiencing as I go through this blogging journey. I am encouraged and inspired by all the feedback that people (mostly the brothers and sisters in my Catholic community, my former students and my current students whom I have shared this blog with) have given me so far.

The testing the waters starting point is now developing into slowly moving to deeper parts as I explore what I can do and share through my blog. This new journey has given me the opportunity to be more conscious of:

1) how the Lord is speaking to me through different experiences,

2) how my relationships with my family, brothers and sisters in community, former and current students, colleagues and people I have come across on different occasions have developed,

3) how words and pictures can come alive when put together in various formats and

4) how each experience or opportunity has allowed me to experience the world around me more fully.

It is my prayer that we all experience something new as each day passes so that we don't wake up every morning subconsciously (or even consciously) going through the day like a robot programmed to do certain things each and every time. Whether it's doing something you didn't expect in one of your classes or stamping "done" or "in progress" on a bucket list item or just finding time to do something you miss doing or you haven't done in a while, I pray that we may do this with our eyes, heart, mind and soul wide open. I do hope opportunities to share about these will abound. :-D


Good day! Hope you've been inspired and/or encouraged by the blog post. Would appreciate your comments/feedback so I can continue improving this blog. Thanks and God bless!